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Version: 3.9.0-beta.100 (Latest)

Static Files

There is a binary DICOM to static file generator, which provides easily served binary files. The files are all compressed in order to reduce space significantly, and are pre-computed for the files required for OHIF, so that the performance of serving the files is just the read from disk/write to http stream time, without any extra processing time.

The project for the static wado files is located here: [static-wado]:

It can be compiled with Java and Gradle, and then run against a set of dicom, in the example located in /dicom/study1 outputting to /dicomweb, and then a server run against that data, like this:

git clone
cd static-wado
./gradlew installDist
StaticWado/build/install/StaticWado/bin/StaticWado -d /dicomweb /dicom/study1
cd /dicomweb
npx http-server -p 5000 --cors -g

# you can use npx serve ./dist -l 8080 -c ../public/serve.json as an alternative to http-server

There is then a dev environment in the platform/app directory which can be run against those files, like this:

cd platform/app
yarn dev:static

Additional studies can be added to the dicomweb by re-running the StaticWado command. It will create a single studies.gz index file (JSON DICOM file, compressed) containing an index of all studies created. There is then a small extension to OHIF which performs client side indexing.

The StaticWado command also knows how to deploy a client and dicomweb directory to Amazon s3, which can then server files up directly. There is another build setup build:aws in the viewer package.json to create such a deployment.