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Version: 3.10.0-beta.120 (Latest)



Props Kept same as before​

contentThis is now expected to be a React component type (a function or class that returns JSX)
contentPropsThis continues to be the way to pass data to your custom dialog component. However, several specific props that used to be passed here (like onClose, actions) are no longer valid.
titleThe title text to display in the dialog header.
shouldCloseOnEscAllows closing the modal when the escape key is pressed.
shouldCloseOnOverlayClickAllows closing the modal when the overlay is clicked.

Renamed Props:​

containerDimensionsrenamed to containerClassName

Removed Props:​

movableIt's removed because modals shouldn't be movable. If you need to move a dialog, use uidDialogService and dialogs instead.
isOpenalways assumed true when show is called.
contentDimensionsRemoved, it is now component's responsibility to set the size for the content
customClassNamerenamed to className
closeButtonThe component now manages modal closing internally. If you need a close button, you can add one, perhaps by checking out the FooterActions component.

Migration Steps:

Rename of containerDimensions to containerClassName and removal of contentDimensions​

title: 'Download High-Quality Image',
content: CornerstoneViewportDownloadForm,
contentProps: {
containerDimensions: 'w-[70%] max-w-[900px]',
contentDimensions: 'h-[493px] w-[460px] pl-[12px] pr-[12px]',

After: the component is responsible for setting the size

function CornerstoneViewportDownloadForm({ activeViewportId }) {
return (
<div className="h-[493px] w-[460px] pl-[12px] pr-[12px]">
<h2 className="text-lg font-bold">Download Image</h2>
<p>Viewport ID: {activeViewportId}</p>
<button className="mt-4 bg-blue-500 text-white p-2 rounded">Download</button>

// Show the modal{
title: 'Download High-Quality Image',
content: CornerstoneViewportDownloadForm,
contentProps: { activeViewportId },
containerClassName: 'w-[70%] max-w-[900px]',


Previously, you had to pass in the onClose as hide function automatically added to the component.

- title: 'Untrack Series',
- content: UntrackSeriesModal,
- contentProps: { onConfirm },
- onClose: () => uiModalService.hide(),
- });

+ title: 'Untrack Series',
+ content: UntrackSeriesModal,
+ contentProps: {
+ onConfirm,
+ hide, // passed in automatically in the background
+ },
+ });