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Version: 1.0-deprecated

Installation on Windows

On Windows, the easiest way to install LesionTracker is using the provided Windows Installer. You can download the latest version of LesionTracker installer from OHIF


  1. After you have obtained the latest version of LesionTracker installer, double-click the installer to install the application.
  2. When you start the installer, setup wizard will pop up.

Installer Initial

  1. Click Install to start the installation.
  2. LesionTracker will install prerequisites if they do not exist before installing the application.


  1. Click the Next if you accept the installation.

After Prerequisites

  1. Read the license agreement, and if you agree, click I accept the terms in the License Agreement and then click the Next.

License Aggrement

  1. Select a location to install LesionTracker and click the Next to continue.

Select Location

  1. Click the Install to start the installation and the installation will be started.

Launch Installation

  1. Click Finish to complete the installation.


  1. When the installation is done,
  • You will see the final dialog which gives the URLs in order to connect to LesionTracker Viewer and Orthanc Server.

    • It will launch computer's default browser and display LesionTracker Viewer if you click 'http://localhost:3000'
    • It will launch computer's default browser and enables to upload studies to Orthanc Server if you click 'http://localhost:8042'


  • Also, LesionTracker installer will create two shortcuts named LesionTracker and Orthanc Server on the Desktop.

    • It will launch computer's default browser and display LesionTracker image viewer if you click LesionTracker application on the Desktop.
    • It will launch computer's default browser and enables to upload studies to Orthanc Server if you click Orthanc Server application.

    Desktop Shortcuts

  1. Click the Done and Close to close the installation window.

Installation Successful

  1. After the installation is completed,
  • You can find the project folder in C:\Program Files\OHIF\LesionTracker if you use the default installation location.

  • You will find 4 program executables which eases managing the services in the project folder:

    • Start Services.exe: Starts LesionTracker, MongoDB and Orthanc services manually.
    • Stop Services.exe: Stops LesionTracker, MongoDB and Orthanc services manually.
    • Turn Off Auto Services.exe: Configures not to start LesionTracker, MongoDB and Orthanc services automatically when Windows starts up.
    • Turn On Auto Services.exe: Configures to start LesionTracker, MongoDB and Orthanc services automatically when Windows starts up.



  1. Open the Start Menu.
  2. Click Settings.
  3. Click Apps on the Settings menu.
  4. Select Apps & features from the left panel.
  5. Find the LesionTracker in programs list and click LesionTracker, then click the Uninstall.


  1. Click Uninstall from the LesionTracker Setup dialog.

Launch Uninstall

When the uninstallation is done, the uninstallation will remove;

  • Prerequisites: MongoDB, nodejs and Orthanc Server
  • The project folder, OHIF, from C:\Program Files
  • Background Services: LesionTracker Server, MongoDB and Orthanc services
  • Shortcuts: LesionTracker and Orthanc Server shortcuts on the Desktop